Privacy Policy

This is the official Storibble privacy policy. This policy pertains to all users of
Storibble that access the service through all Storibble’s platforms. By using any
function on any Storibble platform (be it the website or the mobile app), you are
automatically agreeing and where required, consent, to the terms and conditions
stated under this policy. The terms and conditions stated hereunder shall
regulate the relationship between you (‘the user’) and Storibble in as far as the
use of Storibble’s platforms are concerned. If you do not agree with anything
within this policy then you should not use this platform or any other platform
that belongs to Storibble.
Storibble is a social media platform that allows users to harness the power of
collaborative story-telling to immortalize their memories by posting pictures
and videos to the platform such that users can have a time capsule-like platform
to keep their memories and tell the stories of their lives.
Overall, Storibble's day-to-day business revolves around facilitating
collaborative storytelling, maintaining the mobile application, engaging and
supporting users, curating content, fostering community, and continuously
improving the platform to fulfill its vision and mission.
Storibble is interested in creating an environment of trust, transparency and
honesty between us and our users. It is important for you to know how we deal
with your data once you give it to us through the fields on our website and
mobile app. Through this privacy policy, we want you to know how we shall
use your data, protect it; what information we collect, how we collect it and
why, how and with whom we share it, and how you can access and update that
information. All information will be held and used in accordance with the
enabling laws of Uganda.
We collect personal information from you when you use the Storibble service
using our Application/Website. We also collect information when you complete
any customer survey. Application/Website usage information may also be
collected using cookies. Storibble will collect information that personally
identifies you, but only when you voluntarily give it to us.Below is the information you shall be required to give us in order to access the
Storibble service on any of our platforms:
- Your name: Your full names shall be requires as Storibble is a social
media platform. Your unique identity shall help other users to find you on
the website and tag you in different posts/stories that they will include on
their timelines.
- Nationality: At Storibble, we believe that while telling stories is a
universal experience, we also understand that some stories are unique to
particular countries and regions. Your nationality shall be used to bring to
your attention unique stories in your region but also for targeted ads and
marketing for products and services that are unique to your country.
- Email address: Your email address shall be used to verify your Storrible
account, communicate with you for any and all customer correspondences
and to inform you of any developments to the Storibble platforms that
you are using.
- Phone number: Your phone number, should you choose to furnish us with
it, shall be used to communicate with you and to verify your account
during logins.
- Photos: Your personal interactive Storibble account shall require photos
in order for your friends to recognize you and, generally, for you to be
able to have a fun and fulfilling Storibble experience. On the Storibble
platforms, you will be able to post pictures that capture your life and
share the stories of those that have come before you. This is in alignment
with our goal and vision of preserving memories and stories for eternity.- Videos: We recognize the fact that photos may not be able to tell your
stories the way you want them to. In addition, you can post videos to
make your stories fun and appealing for the people that will read your
book and experience your metamorphosis.- Audio: Spice up your stories by adding fun voice-notes to explain parts of
your story to your readers.
- Information about your preferences and interests: These will be used to
connect you to individuals that have the same interests. The Storibble
platform will be much more fun if you have a community of people you
can share experiences with.- The information in your devices’ address book if you choose to share it
with us. This serves to help us better connect you with any other
accounts/friends that you might be known to you.
- Your payment details (including bank card details) where it is necessary
to pay for a particular feature of the platform. Where it is not necessary,
payment details shall not be needed.Be advised that the information you are required to give us may
grow/change/evolve with time as the Storibble platform evolves.
We collect this information exclusively to carry out the functions offered on the
Application/Website and to provide you with offers and information about
Storibble and other services we think you may be interested in. We will also
collect this personal information through: entry into competitions; subscribing
to our newsletter; creating a user account; sending 'contact us' messages or other
correspondence through the Application/Website; or through advertising,
research and direct marketing. All the above information is required to make
accessing and operating the service as smooth as possible.HOW WE COLLECT THE INFORMATION:
We collect information directly from you on our platforms as you sign up as
well as automatically through the use of our service. Please note that not sharing
the required information may limit your ability to use the service.
We shall also receive information automatically through your browser and
mobile device. This may include information like your I.P address and the
number of times you’ve visited our platforms.
We may also access data from public records or data that you have deliberately
made public through your own volition to assist us in resolving certain disputesand to do strategic data analysis to monitor the performance of the Storibble
platforms. This also includes data that you have given us the permission to
collect from other sources.USE OF THE INFORMATION COLLECTED
You consent to Storibble collecting and using your personal information to
identify you for providing any and all current and future services that will be
added to the Storibble platforms. In particular you expressly consent that
Storibble may disclose your personal information, including your name, email
address to service providers of Storibble that it uses to seamlessly provide the
service either employed by Storibble or by third parties on retainer . You
consent to Storibble using your personal information for advertising and direct
marketing purposes in order to inform you about the Application/Website and
the goods and services it provides, or other matters that it believes will be of
interest to you.
The information collected from you shall be used in the following ways:
-To contact you as an entity or through a third party like a resource that you
have provided.
- To identify you
-To respond to your requests, inquiries, comments or concerns.
- For product research and development
-To notify you about changes or updates or events that Storibble is hosting.
-To provide you with technical or product support.
-To process payments where there is need to do so to access a particular feature
of the website.
-To comply with our legal obligations
-Occasionally, we’ll ask to share your information with third parties for
marketing purposes.BUSINESS TRANSFER:
In the future, we may sell, buy, merge or partner with other companies or
businesses. In such transactions, we shall have the fiduciary and legal obligation
to share your data with these entities.
Cookies are pieces of data that sites and services can set on your browser or
device that can be read to recognize you and your device on future visits.We currently do not employ cookies to our service. However, in the future,
users shall receive notifications informing them of updates to our platform that
involve cookies and pop-up alerts that lead users to a cookie policy agreement.
Failure to accept cookies on our platforms may affect your user-experience as
we employ cookies and similar technologies to keep track of important
information that facilitates a smooth user-experience.What security measures are in place to protect my “Information”? 
The transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure.
Although we take steps to protect your information, due to the nature of the
internet, Storibble does not provide any guarantee or warranty regarding the
security of your personal information during transmission to us or storage by us
and you acknowledge that you disclose your personal information to us at your
own risk. Please contact us immediately if you become aware or have reason to
believe there has been any unauthorized use of your personal information in
connection with the Application/Website. We have strict security procedures
and features to prevent unauthorized access once we have received your data.
We’ll continue to maintain and improve these security measures in line with
legal and technological developments. In addition, Storibble will destroy any
personal information it holds about you which it no longer requires under the
terms of this privacy policy. Where you have chosen a password to access
certain services of the application/website, you are responsible for keeping your
password confidential. We recommend not sharing your password with anyone.
We shall employ - in addition to other tools- encryption protocols such as
SSL/TLS for data transmission over networks and encrypting data in databases
and on our servers. Take note that these tools shall be improved over time with
advancements in technology and improvement of our platforms as is necessary.
In addition, we shall implement regular backups of client data to prevent data
loss in the event of system failures, cyber-attacks, or other disasters.
We shall also implement access controls to ensure that only authorized
individuals have access to client data.
Take note that this privacy policy is compliant with the General Data Protection
Rules (GDPR) and all the rights that accrue thereunder.How and where will Storibble store my “Information”? 
The Information that you provide to us will be stored on our servers and
encrypted databases like Google Firebase. Access to your information is limited
to those who have a need to manage it. This could include our employees of our
group companies, service providers or agencies but your data will be protected
in the same ways as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We’ll take all necessary and
reasonable steps to ensure that any information that we send outside Uganda is
protected by appropriate technical, physical, electronic, and organizational
procedures in place to keep that information and prevent the unauthorized or
unlawful processing of your information, and accidental loss or destruction of,
or damage to, your information. By submitting your information, you consent to
Where you’ve chosen a password, which allows you to access certain parts of
our website, you’re responsible for keeping this password confidential. We
recommend that you don’t share your password with anyone else. We
recommend that your password is unique to your Storibble account. We will not
be liable for any unauthorized access or transactions entered into using your
name and password where it has been shared with your permission or if you
haven’t taken adequate steps to prevent it on either a desktop computer or
another device. If you access our site using a public computer, we advise you
not to store your password and to log out of any parts of our site. If you’re using
a mobile phone or tablet to use our site, we advise that you have an appropriate
passcode. Storibble prioritizes user data privacy and complies with data
protection regulations. We use secure data transfer mechanisms such as
encrypted connections like SSL/TLS when transferring across state lines and
jurisdictions to ensure maximum safety. In addition we are compliant with the
relevant data protection laws to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user
data during international transfers.Links, advertisers, third party sponsors/ third-party websites & ad-servers
Some of our platforms with time may contain links to other sites that are not
covered by this Privacy Policy and where information practices may be
different from ours. You should consult the other sites’ privacy policies on such
third-party sites before submitting any information, as we are not responsible
for and have no control over information that is submitted to, or collected by,
these third-party sites.  We shall sometimes offer content or programs that are
sponsored by or co-branded with identified third parties (e.g., competitions or
promotions). These third parties can obtain information that you agree to submit
to them to make use of the offer. We are not responsible for the collection and
use of your information by these third parties.You consent to Storibble collecting and using your personal information for
delivering a good service and top-notch experience on our platforms. In
particular you consent to Storibble using your personal information for
advertising and direct marketing purposes in order to inform you about the
Application/Website services it provides, or other matters that it believes will be
of interest to you.
Storibble may disclose your personal information, and you consent to the
disclosure of your personal information, to third parties engaged by Storibble to
perform functions or provide products and services on our behalf such as
processing payments, mail outs, debt collection, research, statistical
information, marketing and direct or indirect advertising and any other services
that Stroibble may not be able to provide/access on its own.
In addition, Storibble reserves the right to use your data to track the
performance of all its platforms. To that end, we partner with Microsoft Clarity
and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website
through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve and market
our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party
cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of
products/services and online activity. Additionally, we use this information for
site optimization, fraud/security purposes, and advertising. For more
information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the Microsoft
Privacy Statement. Take note that this is done for business purposes and to
improve Storibble as a platform; to identify the services and features that are the
most popular such that we can enhance them and better your Storibble
If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving direct marketing
communications from Storibble or do not want us to share your personal
information with other parties, please e-mail us at
 follow the steps to unsubscribe which are presented in every communication
you receive from us, requesting your personal information be removed from our
mailing list.
We will use reasonable endeavors to comply with your request within a
reasonable period of receipt of your request. Please note that the withdrawal of
any authorizations for processing of your personal information by third parties
may result in us not being able to provide you with any services. Storibble
reserves the right to disclose your personal information if it is required or
authorized to do so by law, or, if it is reasonably necessary in its opinion to
protect the rights or property of Storibble or any third party, or to avoid injury to
any person.How can I find out what information Storibble holds about me? 
Legally, you have the right to access information that is held about you. To
protect your privacy and security, we’ll take reasonable steps to verify your
identity before providing copies of any relevant materials. We’re entitled to
charge a fee for this service. You can request access to your information that we
hold about you by: emailing:
How long will Storibble keep my information for?
We won’t keep your information for longer than is necessary for our legitimate
business purposes or than is required by law. However where you violate our
Rules and use the Storibble platforms to promote sexually explicit content or
information that Storibble deems to be against general public policy and
security and your account is suspended, we may keep the identifiers you used to
create the account (i.e., email address or phone number) indefinitely to prevent
repeat policy offenders from creating new accounts. In addition, we may keep
certain information longer than our policies specify in order to comply with
legal requirements and for safety and security reasons.The use of our site by minors.
It’s important to us that children can enjoy our platforms in a responsible
fashion. Therefore, children under the age of thirteen (13) years old should have
permission from a parent or guardian before providing information. We
encourage the supervision of children’s online activities. Your child’s privacy is
important to us and we are committed to safeguarding children’s information
collected online. If you’d like to participate in the numerous interactive features
on our site, we’ll ask you to provide us with certain data, such as your email
address and age. To this end, if you are below the age of 13, permission from a
guardian or parent shall be required to ensure your safety and privacy. Our
platform shall prompt you to in-put the email address of a guardian or parent
that will then receive a link to verify that they consent to your use of the website
under their supervision.
What are your rights in regards to this Privacy Policy?
Storibble would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data
protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:The right to access – You have the right to request Storibble for copies of your
personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.
The right to rectification – You have the right to request that Storibble correct
any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request us
to complete the information you believe is incomplete.
The right to erasure – You have the right to request us to erase your personal
data, under certain conditions.
The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that we restrict
the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.
The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to processing
of your personal data, under certain conditions. Be advised that exercising this
right shall affect your ability to use our service.
The right to data portability – You have the right to request that transfer the
data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under
certain conditions.
If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like
to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:
Or write to us: noreply@storibble.comChanges to this Privacy Policy
Storibble reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy to reflect new
company initiatives, services, changes in the law or technology. Any changes
we make to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this site so that you are always
informed of the latest version. You will receive pop-up notifications and/or
emails informing you of updates to our privacy policy with an option for you to
accept the updates. We advise that you accept these changes as they are geared
to help us better serve you.OPT IN-OUT POLICY:
You have the right to opt-out of certain aspects or services offered by our
platforms. These include our policy of sharing your information/data with third
parties for marketing. If you would like to opt out of such programs, kindly
contact us on the information provided within this privacy policy. Specific steps
include accessing the account settings or preferences section on the userdashboard, where users can manage communication preferences, opt out of
marketing emails, and adjust notification settings. We ensure transparency
regarding program participation and provide clear instructions for opting out to
enhance user experience and privacy control.
You consent to receive text message(s) when filing webforms, reaching out to
support, placing an order, scheduling a call, etc. You agree all agreements,
notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you
electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in
How can I contact Storibble? 
If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy please feel
free to get in touch with us. You can email us at: Email:
In addition, should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that we have
not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you should contact us
directly first to resolve the issue and if it is not resolved, you are within your
rights to contact your local data protection and privacy regulator.
Take note that this is the current and first Storibble privacy policy. You will be
notified of subsequent versions.